Some Projects

How to use the potential of timber to provide warmth, cheer and adaptability to a home.

Dalewood (Oskar and Theo’s House), Dorking, Surrey

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0808 Dalewood Slider 2

Transformation of the Taussig family’s 1930s bungalow into a light, spacious and barrier free home for their two sons, Oskar and Theo, who suffer from Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMH).

0808 Dalewood Mini gallery 1
0808 Dalewood Mini gallery 2

Architect: Tigg+Coll Architects

For: Oskar & Theo

The design considers how the condition will affect the children over time, including their mobility and how they interact with their environment. The boundary between inside and outside has been blurred by introducing large scale, openable glazing which links the inside with the rear garden. Internally the series of spaces are broken down and adaptable by the clever use of sliding screens and folding partitions.

The clear spanning glulam grillage roof flows from inside to out forming a statement canopy and strong identity for the project.

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